UTubeTrollPolice V.S. KaverenTheHunter08 (Part 1)

In 12 months ago, I saw the upload video called "The Birth of Rarifruit" I love this video. But, There's something wrong this happen. When I on Youtube, I saw Endario and Rarifruit is getting married. And also, Rarifruit is pregnant and her babies inside. Oh my god, What in horrible thing ever. I can wait for Rarifruit she pregnant video and i'm waiting that, In march 1st. When the video begins, Rarifruit a giving birth of Endaria and Flourice.
Holy in mother god, Why the heck in going here. And then, i'm putting comment on it and he's screaming so loud, He's goes in reaction. *screaming*
Said the screaming man over there, Also. We gots some plan to rarifruit lair, And I saw video name is KaverenTheHunter08. He is a evil troll and trolling people, and first then. I will defeat KaverenTheHunter08 and Rarifruit, And we are UtubeTrollPolice. The Heros of justice as well, Next up part 2 is coming right up.